
Radosław Sikorski is preparing for war? He said what he installed at home! – news, politics, sports

Radosław Sikorski is preparing for war? He said what he installed at home! – news, politics, sports

Radosław Sikorski, a Polish politician and former minister, recently discussed the escalating tensions between Russia and NATO. He expressed his belief that only the leader of Russia knows if the war can escalate. Sikorski pointed out the shifting language in Germany, Sweden, and other countries, with discussions now centering on readiness for war.

He also recalled Admiral Rob Bauer’s appeal for Europeans to prepare for the worst-case scenario by stocking up on food, water, and batteries. Sikorski admitted that he too is preparing for any eventuality, having installed a hand pump in his well in case of a power outage. Sikorski emphasized that the West has been reluctant to accept the reality of ongoing war, despite it happening for approximately 15 years.

He noted that Putin systematically prepared for this by building Nord Stream, accumulating gold reserves, and shifting central bank assets from the United States to Europe. Sikorski concluded by expressing concern over the breach of international law by a significant country and member of the UN Security Council. Radosław Sikorski’s insights shed light on the gravity of the situation, highlighting the need for preparedness and awareness in the face of these escalating tensions.

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