
Gran impulso para los Dzików de Varsovia. El equipo de baloncesto ha ganado un gran socio

Gran impulso para los Dzików de Varsovia. El equipo de baloncesto ha ganado un gran socio

In the world of Polish basketball, such situations do not happen often. A team from the highest league officially formed a partnership with a strategic consulting firm. In the world of American sports, this is common practice, but in Poland, it is still quite rare.

The search for effective solutions conducive to success on and off the court has resulted in a rarely seen collaboration in Poland. “I am convinced that together with Mais, we will be able to create something truly great. I am not only talking about a kind of innovation in the basketball world in Poland, but above all about what we will show on and off the court.

We are reaching for a proven business partner with whom we will jointly achieve success,” says Michał Szolc, CEO & Founder of Dzików Warszawa. “This partnership is not just a regular collaboration. It is a special project that gives new dynamics and at the same time allows us to create a values-based community,” says Maciej Bogucki, CEO of Mais Group.

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